St. Mark's Episcopal Church
208 N. Walnut
Medicine Lodge, KS 67104
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 381
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
208 N. Walnut
Medicine Lodge, KS 67104
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 381
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
208 N. Walnut
Medicine Lodge, KS 67104
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 381
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
208 N. Walnut
Medicine Lodge, KS 67104
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 381
9 AM Sunday Morning--
FIRST and THIRD Sundays
of the month.
Galatians 6:9
Nestled in the scenic red Gyp Hills
of Barber County, Kansas, and the prettiest little church in town,
St. Mark's has continuously
served Medicine Lodge, and shared
the good news of Jesus Christ,
since 1890.
Though we aren't large in numbers, we are certainly HUGE in spirit!
Come see what we're all about!
In the name of Christ our Lord,
we bid you
Welcome to this, His House.
May those who sorrow
find comfort here;
the weary, rest;
the troubled, peace;
the stranger, friends;
the happy, joy;
And may all find a sense
of God’s presence
in this Holy Place.
Enter to worship.
Depart to serve.
Henri Nouwen